Module octree
Octree:add (obj, objBounds) | Add an object. |
Octree:remove (obj) | Remove an object. |
Octree:is_colliding (checkBounds) | Check if the specified bounds intersect with anything in the tree. |
Octree:get_colliding (checkBounds) | Returns an array of objects that intersect with the specified bounds, if any. |
Octree:cast_ray (ray, func, out) | Cast a ray through the node and its children |
Octree:draw_bounds (cube) | Draws node boundaries visually for debugging. |
Octree:draw_objects (cube, filter) | Draws the bounds of all objects in the tree visually for debugging. |
Octree:grow (direction) | Grow the octree to fit in all objects. |
Octree:shrink () | Shrink the octree if possible, else leave it the same. |
OctreeNode:add (obj, objBounds) | Add an object. |
OctreeNode:remove (obj) | Remove an object. |
OctreeNode:is_colliding (checkBounds) | Check if the specified bounds intersect with anything in the tree. |
OctreeNode:get_colliding (checkBounds, results) | Returns an array of objects that intersect with the specified bounds, if any. |
OctreeNode:cast_ray (ray, func, out, depth) | Cast a ray through the node and its children |
OctreeNode:set_children (childOctrees) | Set the 8 children of this octree. |
OctreeNode:shrink_if_possible (minLength) | We can shrink the octree if: - This node is >= double minLength in length - All objects in the root node are within one octant - This node doesn't have children, or does but 7/8 children are empty We can also shrink it if there are no objects left at all! |
OctreeNode:set_values (baseLength, minSize, looseness, center) | Set values for this node. |
OctreeNode:split () | Splits the octree into eight children. |
OctreeNode:merge () | Merge all children into this node - the opposite of Split. |
OctreeNode:best_fit_child (objBounds) | Find which child node this object would be most likely to fit in. |
OctreeNode:should_merge () | Checks if there are few enough objects in this node and its children that the children should all be merged into this. |
OctreeNode:has_any_objects () | Checks if this node or anything below it has something in it. |
OctreeNode:draw_bounds (cube, depth) | Draws node boundaries visually for debugging. |
OctreeNode:draw_objects (cube, filter) | Draws the bounds of all objects in the tree visually for debugging. |
- Octree:add (obj, objBounds)
Add an object.
- obj Object to add
- objBounds 3D bounding box around the object
- Octree:remove (obj)
Remove an object. Makes the assumption that the object only exists once in the tree.
- obj Object to remove
bool True if the object was removed successfully
- Octree:is_colliding (checkBounds)
Check if the specified bounds intersect with anything in the tree. See also: get_colliding.
- checkBounds bounds to check
bool True if there was a collision
- Octree:get_colliding (checkBounds)
Returns an array of objects that intersect with the specified bounds, if any. Otherwise returns an empty array. See also: is_colliding.
- checkBounds bounds to check
table Objects that intersect with the specified bounds
- Octree:cast_ray (ray, func, out)
Cast a ray through the node and its children
- ray Ray with a position and a direction
- func Function to execute on any objects within child nodes
- out Table to store results of func in
boolean True if an intersect detected
- Octree:draw_bounds (cube)
Draws node boundaries visually for debugging.
- cube
- Octree:draw_objects (cube, filter)
Draws the bounds of all objects in the tree visually for debugging.
- cube
- filter
- Octree:grow (direction)
Grow the octree to fit in all objects.
- direction Direction to grow
- Octree:shrink ()
- Shrink the octree if possible, else leave it the same.
- OctreeNode:add (obj, objBounds)
Add an object.
- obj Object to add
- objBounds 3D bounding box around the object
boolean True if the object fits entirely within this node
- OctreeNode:remove (obj)
Remove an object. Makes the assumption that the object only exists once in the tree.
- obj Object to remove
boolean True if the object was removed successfully
- OctreeNode:is_colliding (checkBounds)
Check if the specified bounds intersect with anything in the tree. See also: get_colliding.
- checkBounds Bounds to check
boolean True if there was a collision
- OctreeNode:get_colliding (checkBounds, results)
Returns an array of objects that intersect with the specified bounds, if any. Otherwise returns an empty array. See also: is_colliding.
- checkBounds Bounds to check. Passing by ref as it improve performance with structs
- results List results
table Objects that intersect with the specified bounds
- OctreeNode:cast_ray (ray, func, out, depth)
Cast a ray through the node and its children
- ray Ray with a position and a direction
- func Function to execute on any objects within child nodes
- out Table to store results of func in
- depth (used internally)
boolean True if an intersect is detected
- OctreeNode:set_children (childOctrees)
Set the 8 children of this octree.
- childOctrees The 8 new child nodes
- OctreeNode:shrink_if_possible (minLength)
We can shrink the octree if:
- This node is >= double minLength in length
- All objects in the root node are within one octant
- This node doesn't have children, or does but 7/8 children are empty
We can also shrink it if there are no objects left at all!
- minLength Minimum dimensions of a node in this octree
table The new root, or the existing one if we didn't shrink
- OctreeNode:set_values (baseLength, minSize, looseness, center)
Set values for this node.
- baseLength Length of this node, not taking looseness into account
- minSize Minimum size of nodes in this octree
- looseness Multiplier for baseLengthVal to get the actual size
- center Centre position of this node
- OctreeNode:split ()
- Splits the octree into eight children.
- OctreeNode:merge ()
- Merge all children into this node - the opposite of Split. Note: We only have to check one level down since a merge will never happen if the children already have children, since THAT won't happen unless there are already too many objects to merge.
- OctreeNode:best_fit_child (objBounds)
Find which child node this object would be most likely to fit in.
- objBounds The object's bounds
number One of the eight child octants
- OctreeNode:should_merge ()
Checks if there are few enough objects in this node and its children that the children should all be merged into this.
boolean True there are less or the same abount of objects in this and its children than numObjectsAllowed
- OctreeNode:has_any_objects ()
Checks if this node or anything below it has something in it.
boolean True if this node or any of its children, grandchildren etc have something in the
- OctreeNode:draw_bounds (cube, depth)
Draws node boundaries visually for debugging.
- cube Cube model to draw
- depth Used for recurcive calls to this method
- OctreeNode:draw_objects (cube, filter)
Draws the bounds of all objects in the tree visually for debugging.
- cube Cube model to draw
- filter a function returning true or false to determine visibility.